99-16 98th Street
Ozone Park, NY 11416

est. 2008
Celebrating 17 Years Of Dance
2019 Important Updates
Class Mom/Security Dad Meeting
We will be having our Class Mom/Backstage Staff & Security Dad Meeting on Sunday, June 9th at 4:30pm. This is a very informative & important meeting. It's not too late to be apart of our backstage staff. If you cannot attend, please contact Kareem or Tommy.
Outstanding Balances
All balances MUST BE PAID IN FULL by Saturday, June 8th. NO CHILD will be allowed to perform on stage if there is any balances (Tuition, including June, Costume and/or Regional Competition Fees) on his/her account. There will be a designated collector who will be keeping track of any child with an outstanding balance on his/her account on the day of the recital. CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS WILL NOT BE TAKEN AT THE SCHOOL/VENUE ON REHEARSAL DAY.
Rehearsal Day
Rehearsal for our dance recital will be held on Friday, June 14th at 5:30pm. THIS IS NOT A DRESS REHEARSAL. NO COSTUMES ARE REQUIRED. We will begin our rehearsal with our baby classes (Ages 3-5), then continue with all other classes from youngest to oldest. Please remember, this rehearsal is only for staging and placement for our dancers. It does not fully display/represent anything that will be seen on the day of the recital. Once your child has completed his/her routine, they will be dismissed. Also, during the rehearsal, all the dancers will be seating with their classes & class moms. If you are not a class mom, we ask that you drop your child off with our staff and proceed to the designated area where you will wait for your child.
Recital Day
The dance recital will be held on Saturday, June 15th. Show One will begin at 2:30pm (Dancers must arrive by 1:30pm & Guests at 2:00pm). Show Two will begin at 6:30pm (Dancers must arrive by 5:30 & Guest 6:00pm). We ask that you have your child ready in his/her first costume he/she will be performing in. We will be emailing you a copy of the rundown of your recital so you will know which routine will be performing first. You can also check with our staff/directors. Hairstyle for all of our girl dancers will be a low bun.
Shoe Order/Tights
If you placed a shoe order, your child will receive it no later than Tuesday, June 11th. Each child will receive the necessary tights for her costume. You are more than welcome to purchase more if need be.
Recital DVD
We are now taking orders for Recital DVD's.
Picture Day
Sign up now to have your child's individual picture taken in his/her costume(s). Picture Day will be held at TKO Dance Academy on Saturday, June 22nd from 12pm - 8pm. More info is available at our Front Desk.
Last Day Of Classes
The last day of classes will be Tuesday, June 25th.
Summer Classes
Our summer classes will begin in Mid-July & will continue for 5-6 weeks. We will also be introducing a Brand New One Week Summer Intensive ("Knockout" The Intensive). Visit our website or contact our studio for more details.